So whats this check that we call reality
between the night passing
Photography & writing by Amy Johnson
How do you forget? I guess the question really is, how do so many people just let go of the past? They refuse to dwell on it or let it bring their spirit down and they don't look back. While others look back on every detail of their past that they remember. Of course 9o percent of those memories that continue to hold you back are negative. One image can bring your entire mood to a shattering halt. Explaining this is anything but simple.
The things we did make us who we are now. Good or bad. So all we can really do is pray that the past wont predict what happens in the future. If you don't meet halfway, none of your relationships will last. You have to learn and respect what others expect.
*when you figure out love is all that matters after all it sure makes everything else seem so small. it's so easy to get lost inside a problem that seems so big at the time. it's like a river thats so wide it swallows you whole*