God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace ...
Have you ever thought about what anger and jealousy do to your soul and mind?
Anger is like holding onto a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone, your the
one that gets burned.
Its scary to think about being sad for so long that you can't escape your own warped thoughts. Its like being in a glass box, you see the outside but you just cant save yourself. So much time to yourself leads to unforgettable memories, the good the bad, the EVIL. I wonder what I did to make those things happen to me. I wonder why I still care even though its the past and thats were it should stay. I pray for the answers that I sometimes don't recieve.
More than anything I vow not to repeat the past or fall under pressure of the world around. I take pride knowing that I'm not the same. I question why you just can't be there for me like you promised and I answer with tears streaming down. If it were only like you said, it could be so different. We could be on the same ground, holding on to each other, because the world seems to drag down the best . I have no control over the things that mean the most to me. And if I've learned anything in these 20 years its that you can never count on anyone. It sounds harsh but its really not. You cannot expect to be happy because of someone else, you cant count on anyone to be there in the darkest hours. Many times people will fall short of your expectations. I keep imagining that door swinging open only to realize its still closed. Sometimes its hard to go on.
Im dreaming of forever, wishing for tomorrow.