Thursday, June 11, 2009

The way I see it

I was thrown some words and phrases to which I answered with my opinion. It's a fun little thing to do when your bored.
The secret- is to find out what the secret is. To always love instead of hate. To always have high morals and respect those you love.
Teenage girls- dont want your advice they just want your sympathy
I've learned- that you dont appreciate the things you dont pay for yourself
The good guy- will always win in my book. Who wants to spend their life with a jerk?
My friends- are funny, mature and respectful
It is enough- to try your hardest and still fail
Survival has- been programmed into our brains and heart and only gets stronger when we need it
It's important- to live like your dying, because you are and the people you take forgranted wont always be here for you
The bass player is- usually fat ( dont get mad i said usually not always!)
Tuesday is- never the best day of the week, should I look forward or behind?
I should have- planned much much better
We are all here- for a purpose, find yours then work at it
My father was- someone I didn't look forward to meeting
I had a client- that was crazy EVERY SINGLE WORKDAY!
Accounting is not math- its the 6th circle of hell
It's been ten years- since I was just trying to be a normal 10 year old in a not so normal environment
After four hours- with you I realize that lonelines is not far out of sight

The worst part- of not knowing is the images and thoughts you create out of dispair
Don't waste- me with your tomorrows, tomorrow may never come, God never promised it to us. I'll explain more tomorrow ;)
If the neighborman- needs a cup of sugar I've got plenty
Cowboys- are hot (enough said)
My mother was- a mother, a father, a friend - and still is
A man- should always have facial hair, never use "im a guy" as an excuse for being a jerk, be a man not a boy, support himself and try to find his inner woman if he ever wantsto succeed in a relationship
Fear is- of the unknown. Past, present, future
There's that line- in Dumb and Dumber when Jim Carrey says "big gulps ehh boys" Cracks me up EVERYTIME
I'm afraid - Of being a single mom one day
I'm not afraid - of dying, heaven has to be much better than this

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